Morrisons Cove 1st FCU Savings

Share Certificates

Home > Save & Spend > Share Certificates
Put your money to work for you! Purchase a Share Certificate and watch it GROW!!

  • 6-Month Share Certificate earns 3.80% APY*
  • 13-Month Share Certificate earns 3.75% APY*
  • 18-Month Share Certificate earns 3.50% APY*


*Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective 12/31/2024 - 1/31/2025. $500 minimum initial deposit. Interest compounded monthly. Penalty for early withdrawal. Rates subject to change.

Savings and Checking Rates
Effective Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2025
NameDividend RateAPYCompounding
Savings 0.150% 0.150% Monthly
Christmas Club 0.150% 0.150% Monthly
IRA 0.750% 0.750% Quarterly
Checking 0.000% 0.000%